New Faces of Fundraising is designed to introduce diverse participants to the field of non-profit fundraising. The program was created by the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

New Faces participants are newly minted members of AFP benefiting from personalized introduction to the fundamentals of fundraising and guidance of a mentor from the field. The capstone of their New Faces experience will be a 200-hour paid summer internship.

Internship placements will be made through a competitive application and pairing process. We want these participants to gain meaningful, hands-on fundraising experience at a local non-profit. Pairings will be made based on the proposed internship experience, the non-profit’s need for development support, the student’s philanthropic interests as well as time and scheduling considerations.

If your organization is selected to host an intern, you and the participant will agree upon a work schedule and an evaluation procedure before the internship placement is confirmed.

Applications for participants is closed for 2023.

We are not accepting applications at this time.

Questions?  Please don’t hesitate to contact the committee by e-mail at

New Faces of Fundraising Alumni!

New Faces of 2019

New Faces of 2017

New Faces of 2016

New Faces of 2015

New Faces of 2014

New Faces of 2013

Charles R. Stevens Excellence in Diversity Award Recipient!