First & Last Name
Preferred Email
Preferred Phone
Job Title
Are you a member of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of AFP? YesNoLapsed Member
Does your organization pay your membership costs? YesNo
Have you received an AFP scholarship in the last 3 years? YesNo
Organization's annual budget
Scholarship for which you are applying: Presidential Membership ScholarshipFundamentals of Fundraising ScholarshipCFRE ScholarshipChamberlain ScholarshipYoung Professional ScholarshipSeeds Scholarships
If applying for the Young Professional Scholarship:
Your age
Years in the Fundraising Profession
Please answer all the following questions. There is a 250 word limit for each question.
1. Why is this scholarship important to you and how will it allow you to advance in your career as a fundraiser?
2. What type of contribution do you expect to make to the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of AFP if you receive this scholarship?
3. What do you believe is your greatest accomplishment achieved in the development field thus far?
4. What do you plan to achieve if you receive this scholarship?
Please upload your cover letter
Please upload your head shot
I certify that I have read and subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards. By virtue of signing this application, I accept the obligation to abide by the Code and acknowledge that a violation on my part may result in action by the AFP Ethics Committee. I also certify that I have not been found guilty, pled guilty or no contest, or had an adverse verdict or judgment entered against me in a proceeding in which I had been accused of fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, theft, or similar crimes, violations, or injury involving a charity or a donor or prospective donor to a charity. I understand that if there is a local AFP chapter within the vicinity, I must belong to the chapter in addition to belonging to the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Applicant signature