Event is now over, but relive the memories
by viewing the following video
or viewing the online photo gallery
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National Philanthropy Day 2023 Awardees
Philanthropists of the Year
Phillip and Gail Holloman
Volunteer of the Year
Marty Roberts Humes
Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy
Eshaan Gandhi
Outstanding Corporation or Foundation
Charles H. Dater Foundation
National Philanthropy Day (NPD) is a special day set aside to promote philanthropy and recognize individuals, organizations and businesses that are inspiring change through their significant impact on nonprofit organizations. Each day, generous benefactors and volunteers make a difference to people across a spectrum of nonprofit organizations from the arts to education to social services and everything in between. The National Philanthropy Day Program is our annual, signature event at which people representing businesses, nonprofits, philanthropists and volunteers come together to celebrate our vibrant philanthropic community. All nonprofit organizations have the opportunity to recognize their Loyal Donors who have made a truly exceptional impact.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor!
Event Details
Loyal Donors… Celebrating Our Supporters
As part of National Philanthropy Day (NPD), the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) invites nonprofit organizations to recognize and celebrate additional individuals: loyal donors who support and further the mission of their organization.
How to Select Loyal Donors: During the NPD registration process, nonprofit organizations may submit the names of their Loyal Donors. AFP requests that nonprofits submit only the names of people who will be attending the in-person event. When guest names are sent, Loyal Donor designations can be noted at that time.
If you need assistance in submitting guest names or designating your guests as Loyal Donors, email us at Admin@AFPCincinnati.org.
For questions or more information, contact:
Victoria Kuhlman, NPD Chair, at kuhlmava@foundation.uc.edu
Admin Team at admin@AFPCincinnati.org
Award Winners… Recognizing Love Poured Out
Our Community Award Winners are local, every day people who do the extraordinary to help others. It’s their selfless giving that has spurred the birth and momentum of National Philanthropy Day. We are honored to be able to celebrate their acts of love. Review a full list of our past award winners here.
Submit your nominations for Philanthropist of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, Outstanding Foundation or Corporation in Philanthropy, and Lifetime Achievement in Fundraising! The nomination cycle for this year’s event has been completed.