Emerging Leader in Philanthropy: Presented to an individual under 40 with a record of exceptional generosity who: through a devotion of time has demonstrated outstanding support to a specific organization(s) or cause(s); encourages others to support an organization(s) or cause(s); is a role model for other emerging leaders. The total hours contributed and the breadth of organizations supported with time will be considered.
Winner ~ Rosemary Oglesby-Henry
Nominated By ~ Tender Mercies
Emerging Leader Rosemary Ogelsby-Henry, founder of Rosemary’s Babies, serves as a role model in our community. She has assisted more than 100 teen parents to overcome the challenges of providing for their children. Rosemary knows what it’s like to be a teen parent with no support system, so she wanted to help make it a better experience for others. Rosemary is an example of a teen parent who has broken the stereotype of teen mothers by becoming a college graduate with a master’s degree while raising both of her children to become responsible individuals, with one in college and the other doing well in high school. She is resourceful in many ways and does all that she can to help turn lives around, one family at a time. Rosemary has also taught her children the value of volunteerism and community involvement by serving meals at Tender Mercies and bringing meals to families in need for the holidays. In 2015, she joined the Tender Mercies Associate Board, bringing her leadership and teamwork skills to help the organization grow its capacity to help more homeless adults with mental illness.